/C# major key Capo:1 Play: C major key
| C Cadd9 Cmaj7 C | F - Gm C |
你習慣(等) (到) (了) ( ) 倦透(的)深(宵) ( )
| F Dm | Gsus4 G |
瞞著(你)伴侶偷(偷)再進入 (我)亂透家(居)
| C- Cmaj7 C | Em - Gm A |
抱著你(的)身(軀) ( ) 還(會)心(虛) ( )
| F C | Dm G |
當(相)戀彷似(有)罪 應(該)比死更(空)虛
| E E7 | Am Am7 |
( )我試過(逃)避你偏(失)控繼續(想)你
| Fm7b5 | Dm G |
就似(捉)心理 定會輸給你 難(有)驚(喜)
| C Cmaj7 | E E7 |
Let me (be) the (one), one and (on)ly (one)
| Am Am7 | F G |
沒太(多)計算 為你(多)辛酸 仍然(死)守的眷(戀)
| C Cmaj7 | E E7 |
Let me (be) the (one), tho you (still) have some(one)
|Am | A A7 | F G | C |
( )愛若那麼殘害自(己)心窩( ) 為何(要)啞(忍)裝作大(方)
| E E7 | Am Am7 |
( )你對我(如)垃圾般 (不)愛理就(不)理
| Fm7b5 | Dm G |
但我(的)底線 像你手香煙 隨(你)差(遣)
| C Cmaj7 | E E7 |
Let me (be) the (one), one and (on)ly (one)
| Am Am7 | F G |
沒太(多)計算 為你(多)辛酸 仍然(死)守的眷(戀)
| C Cmaj7 | E E7 |
Let me (be) the (one), tho you (still) have some(one)
|Am | A A7 | F G | C |
( )愛若那麼殘害自(己)心窩( ) 為何(要)啞(忍)裝作大(方)
|? | ? |
( )傷心 失望 痛哭 (不)敢流露
|? | ? ? |
承諾(過)若你的戀情曲終 (給)予我美(好) wo~
|? | ? |
( )即使甘願獻出(給)你作後補
|? | ? ? |? |
為何(你) 在教堂中宣佈 (將)跟她到(老)
| C Cmaj7 | E E7 |
Let me (be) the (one), one and (on)ly (one)
| Am Am7 | F G |
滴過(幾)次血 就算(多)心酸 仍然(輸)給這愛(戀)
| C Cmaj7 | E E7 |
Let me (be) the (one), even (just) lie for (on)ce
|Am | A A7 | F G | C |
( )對著鏡子呆望自(己)的講( )「原來(我) 根(本)不算什(麼)」
| F G | C |
其實(我) 多(麼)討厭 自我( )
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